
What is futsall and how to play it , what is its rules?

Futsal Tournaments in Antalya - Sport organization

What is futsal? How to play? What are its rules?

Futsal is a popular sport today, known for its similarity to football. Its main difference from football is that it is played in the hall. Futsal, which has its own rules, has been spreading so rapidly at the last time. If you're wondering what a Futsal is and how to play it, let's look at all the details together.Futsal is a sport known in the world as football in the gym. The rules and the game are very similar to football.

In Portuguese it sounds like Futebol de Salao, in Spanish Futbol de Sala, this sport is known in our country as Futsal. Studying the history of Futsal, we can say that this sport appeared in the 1930s. It could be become popular so quickly, as European countries are more interested in salon sports.Futsal training camps in Antalya-Turkey

Futsal History

The Futsal was developed by the famous person of the sports world Juan Carlos Cariani. Juan Carlos Cariani wanted the young people to play football in small gyms, creating a team of five people. Thus, working on this issue, in the 1930s Futsal has appeared with a great similarity with football.

South America and Brazil are countries where football is widespread. And since Futsal is very similar to football, it also became popular in these countries in a short time.

Futsal developed from day to day and with time the international tournaments began to be held. The first tournament where Paraguay has won the South American Cup took place in 1965. In the next 6 consecutive years, Brazil won international Futsal tournaments.

Due to the great interest in Futsal around the world, there was established the Federation in 1983. Before the creation of the Federation, this game was called mini football, and later was called as Futsal.

It is expected that this sport, the popularity of which is growing every day, will become one of the most interesting sports in the coming years.

What are the similarities and differences between Futsal and football?

The similarity of futsal with football

  • Consists of two different teams.
  • Both play in the team.
  • In football, there are maximum 3 replacings of players during the game. In Futsal you can replace an unlimited number of players during the game.
  • A player who has been replaced in football cannot return to the game. A player who was replaced in Futsal can return to the game.
  • Goalkeeper in Futsal serves as both goalkeeper and player at the same time. In Football, the goalkeeper can not perform other functions except the goalkeeper.
  • Futsal match consists of 2 halves of 20 minutes, football match has 2 halves of 45 minutes.
  • When the ball goes outside of the game field, the match time stops both in football and Futsal.
  • In Futsal, there is a timeout with duration of 1 minute. In football the timeout does not exist.
  • A player who leaves the Futsal game cannot return to the game, but a player who leaves the game after 2 minutes of the game can be replaced by another player. Thus, the match is constantly held by teams of 5 people. In football, a player who is out of the game cannot return to the game again and another player can not replace him. The team is forced to continue the game with minus of one player.
  • When the ball goes out of play in futsal, it can only be returned to play through a kick in. In football, as you know, manually.
  • Both of sports provide extra time to determine the winner. A penalty shootout is given if the results are not achieved during the extra time.
  • Players in Futsal wear uniforms with long sleeves. In football, the form can be short and long sleeves.

What equipment do you need to play Futsal?

As in any sport, Futsal requires certain equipment. Let's focus on each item of equipment separately.

  1. Uniform 2.Shorts 3. Gaiters 4. Shields 5. Footwear made of soft material 6. Goalkeeper’s long pants


Players must not wear clothing or equipment that poses a danger to themselves or other players, including any type of jewelry.

Mandatory basic equipment

The main clothing and equipment of players are as below:

  • Long sleeve uniform or shirt (if underwear is used, it must be the same color as the main color of the uniform or shirt).
  • Shorts (if you are using underwear, it should be the same color as the shorts). The goalkeeper is allowed to wear underwear.
  • Gaiters
  • Shim guards
  • Footwear in the Futsal is allowed only suede, rubber or other soft material or gymnastic slippers.


  • Must be completely covered with gaiters
  • Made of materials such rubber, plastic or other similar material. .
  • Must provide sufficient protection.


  • Both teams must be dressed in uniforms that differ in color from each other, as well as different from the referees and assistant of referees.
  • The clothing of each goalkeeper should easily vary in color from the goalkeeper of the opposing team, other players and referees.

What are the rules of Futsal?Futsal camp in Antalya

The rules of Futsal

As in any team game, Futsal has its own rules of the game. The main part of the rules of the game was changed after the creation of the Federation and established around the world. The rules of the game approved by the Futsal Federation are as follows:

  • The Futsal team consists of 14 players. The match is played by 5 players, including the goalkeeper. · The maximum number of spare players is 7. · The number of substitutions of players during a match is unlimited. · Depending to the rule violation, the referee shows yellow or red cards. · Futsal match lasts 40 minutes. It plays in 2 halves of 20 minutes each. If the winner is not determined, the match time can be extended. · The winner team is determined by series of penalties. · Futsal team has a right for 1 minute timeout.

Features of the Futsal playing field

Since Futsal is a sport run by the Federation, its field must have certain characteristics. According to the rules established by the Federation, the length should be 38-42, the width of the field should be from 18 to 25 meters. The floor should be laid with parquet. It is also possible to use artificial turf.

Futsal plays with a ball played, what calles as futsal ball. Futsal ball is very similar to football ball but smaller one. It also jumps less than a football ball when it comes in contact with the surface.

Field area

Matches must be held in accordance with the rules on a flat, smooth, non-abrasive surface, preferably made of wood or artificial material. Concrete or asphalt pavement should be avoided.

Artificial grass may be permitted in exceptional cases or only in national competitions.

Marking The Playing Field

The playing field should be in rectangular shape and marked with lines. These lines should be in the size of the areas they limit and should be in a color that is very different from the color of the floor.

Two long lines of the site are called side lines. The two shorter lines are called goal lines. The playing field is divided by the middle line into 2 equal halves.

The central mark divides the middle line into two equal parts. There is a circle with a radius of 3m around it. The mark of the line must be held at right angles to the gate lines and the side lines from the angle at a distance of 5m to ensure the withdrawal of defenders at this distance during a corner kick. This line should be 8 cm wide.

In addition, 8 cm wide lines are drawn on the playing field at a distance of 5 m to the right and to the left from the second double penalty point, to determine the minimum distance at which players must stop during a double penalty.


The length of the side line should be much longer than the length of the gate lines.

The width of all lines should be 8 cm.

Dimensions for matches at the local level the following:

Length of the side line is at least 25m., a maximum of 42 m.

The width of the gate line is at least 16 m, maximum 25 m.

International match:

The length of the side line is at least 38m., maximum 42 m.

The width of the gate line is at least 20 m, maximum 25 m.

Penalty area

A quarter of the circle with a radius of 6m should be marked on the outside of the gate posts. A quarter of the circle with a radius of 6m should be marked at a right angle from the gate line from the gate posts to two imaginary lines. The top points of each circle are connected by a 3.16 m long line running parallel to the gate line between the two posts.

The area between these lines and the goal line is the penalty area.

A penalty kick is marked in each penalty area at a distance of 6 m from the midpoint between the two goal posts equidistant from them.

Double penalty mark

The double penalty mark is applied at a distance of 10 m from the midpoint between the two goal posts at the same distance.Futsal tournaments in Antalya

The angular sector

There is a quarter of the circle with a radius of 25 cm is marked in each corner inside the playground


The gate should be in the middle of each line of the gate. They consist of two vertical goalposts, located at the same distance from the corners of the site and connected with a horizontal bar on the top. Two goalposts and the upper crossbar are made of wood, metal or other permitted material. The goalposts have a square, round or oval shape, not causing danger to the players. The distance between the posts within 3 meters, the distance from the lower point of the crossbar and the surface of the site – 2m.

The depth and width of the goalposts and the crossbar are 8cm. Nets are made of hemp, jute, nylon or other approved material, connected with a suitable material to the posts and top crossbar. Should be installed without causing obstacles to the goalkeeper. The color of the posts and the upper crossbar of the gate should be different from the color of the field surface. The gate must be fixed to the surface of the field stable. Mobile gates can be used only under this condition.

Players’ replacement area

The replacement zones are right in the front of the players ' benches, their purpose is described in rules 3.

  • The substitution zone has a length of 5m and located in front of the technical area. They are marked on both sides by lines of 40cm length inside the site and 40cm length outside, with a height of 80cm and a width of 8cm
  • The area in front of the timekeeper's table and the area with a distance of 5m in both directions between the intersection of the two lines remain free.
  • The replacement zone of the players of one team is located on half of their site and changes in the second half or during extra time, if there is one.
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