
Which Games Are There in Esports?

Which Teams Have Esports Team?

What is E-sport?

Which Clubs Have E-sport Team?

You can get everything that you need to know about E-spots and answers for all questions such as ’’What is E-sports in other words Electronic Sport which is started to be known newly in our country? ’’ ’’Which clubs have E-sport team?’’ ‘’ How can E-sport be played?’’, etc.

What is E-sport?

It is a game that can be played via internet all over the world based on online games, people who are from different places of the world play with international organizations which are arranged at certain times. Teams or people tackle in E-sports competititon as all sports that we know.

As we specially indicate its official writing is E-spots, not Espor, e-spor or e spor.Training Camp Kemer Antalya

Is E-sport a real sport?

The only thing that separates E-sports from physical sport is to be played via internet and computer. Except that, players require experience, practicability and intelligence as in every sport. This is our announcement to sayers ‘’ There is sport in computer! There is game mostly.’’: You must know that if you don’t notice that you face with a sector that you can’t pay no attention by saying ‘’ Such an ordinary computer ‘’, this causes you being uninformed in any conversation! Because - people who are well up in years knows – if any how there are Batistuta, Ronaldinho or then Messi in football, Michael Jordan, David Robinson, Charles Barkley and nowadays Lebron James in basketball, there are stars and super stars in E-sports too.

Not only shortly electronic sport aren’t an ordinary teams of computer game, but also is a sport that are followed by whole world, contains real and professional players, live competitive and players’ lives are followed in, has supporter mass that imitates these people. Such as football and basketball, etc.

Well, how E-sport comes out of nowhere?

E-sport didn’t come out of nowhere contrary to what is believed. Its stands up to competitive games’ showing up and game arcades’ becoming widespread in 70’s and 80’s years although it was heard with made its presence felt cause of increasing prize competitions over 15 years and players’ earning their living with official league and events professionally.

Eh, increasing personel computers and internet’s becoming widespread made E-sport develop rapidly. Electronic sport which was accepted as sport branch officially in South Korea in 2000 was started to be known in last some years in our country. Even we have been one of the countries that give license officially in 2014.

Which Games Are There in E-sport?Winter E-sport Camp in Kemer Antalya

The only answer that will be given for question to tournament which is in our counry is League of Legends. Of course there is a Zula which is a local game totally too.

There are games such as Clash of Clans, Crossfire, Dungeon Fighter Online, World of Worldcraft, Game of War, Puzzle & Dragon, etc except LOL.

Which Clubs have E-sports Team?

They had a part in developing sector by contributing to big sponsors’ getting involve in formed E-sport teams by initially on the brink of Beşiktaş, Fenerbahçe and Galatasaray.

The teams of important clubs such as Shalke 04, Manchester City, Sporting Lisbon, Paris Saint Germen take part in scenes cause of developed sector in world already. State is like that in NBA; it was announced that NBA 2K League will be opened. Taken part in this league with 17 teams as notably Boston Celtics, Dallas Mavericks and Golden State Warriors was being planned. The reason is that unstoppable rise between E-sports and NBA teams in League of Legends.

Mothers and fathers, think again while saying ‘’you are always in charge of computer study a little’’ anymore. Then if your child is a known and good player with E-sport, your child can get a scholarship and even get a chance to study in abroad. Eh, time is technology periodic..

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