
Youth Sportsmen Training Camps in Antalya

Football player training camps in Antalya Turkey

Improving Training in Modern Football

Did you know that one of the most important reasons for modern football is the physical training, muscle endurance, running distance, and training programs that increase team alignment? You can improve your fitness level with the right training!

Your first goal should be to strengthen your aerobic capacity so that you don't breathe for 10 minutes. The most common mistake in this type of training is to run for miles at constant speed. Football, however, does not need to move at constant speed, walking, slow speed displacement, running, throw away at different speed levels and moves in different directions. The most appropriate training for these variables and tempo is the interval training that allows us to increase and decrease the intensity in a moment. These trainingexercises will speed up and slow down your heart rate and help you improve your fitness. So, what is interval training?

Let's open a bracket here. Interval training is a training that involves an equal or slightly longer recovery period in the short and intense running, and is based on a higher pace of the body. A simple example to explain; after a warm 2-minutes high tempo running at a very high pace 2-3 minutes until the breath healing light-paced or walking is done in the form of meets. A few repetitions of interval training will help you achieve a great pace over time. According to research, heart-strengthening and metabolism accelerated interval training, especially the condition required for the footballers, as well as burning fat in your body by providing both professional and amateur life is good for you.

Both aerobic (long-term) and anaerobic (short-term) conditioning you need 45 minutes of 2 half of the time and 90 minutes of the sport that is directly related to the management of the time, football is changing directions quickly and the maximum level of speed can change course of the game. Training is important at this point. A simple exercise enhancement program consisting of fast, effective and very practical movements is especially preferred by all football coaches today. First of all, let's underline the need to prepare the training program according to the player's physical qualification and body structure and begin to examine how a program for football should be prepared.

First of all, it’s very important that your program is designed and planned very well. When you are preparing your program, you should determine which period you are in (such as season, pre-season, non-season) and prepare your program accordingly. The only distinguishing features and the elements that you need to pay attention to are not limited to them, of course. For example, if a player has more aerobic fitness than a midfielder, an anaerobic and explosive training may be required for a goalkeeper.

football training in Antalya

In any case, whatever the position, it’s in your best interest to build an aerobic infrastructure to raise the fitness criteria to a high level. The coordinated execution of circular exercises with intervals of 1-2 days can also improve the performance of a football player. These circular movements, which are preferred by both beginners and professional athletes, will increase the endurance of the player, as well as provide an ideal program for developing weak and unbalanced muscle groups. In this training technique, the heart rate never drops because the person who is implementing the program never stops or stops between the movement. This training, usually with a high number of repetitions on each set, allows you to strengthen your muscle group and increase your endurance. Preparing sets, repetitions, tour numbers according to the experience and form of the person applying the program will prevent you from having a possible health problem. For example, if you want to lose weight, improve muscle structure, and move more efficiently, the circular training, which is the choice of athletes, gives you the opportunity to practice the best for a footballer.

Endurance training, which will increase your fitness level, promises a healthy blood circulation for footballers who run up to 13 km on average during the match. It’s also one of the basic conditions for the footballer to be able to leave without damage from intense tempo, which should be able to make the best use of blood and oxygen to reach all parts of the body.Don't forget to warm up at moderate or even low tempo before you start training. Let's go a little bit further by stating that you can gain fitness in a short time with the routine exercise program that professional footballers apply.

  • Prepare for training with basic warming movements such as pulling, straining and stretching for 10-15 minutes to prepare your joints and muscle groups.
  • After these warm-up movements, an average of 25-30 minutes of light-paced jogging will prepare you for the training.
  • For those who want to increase muscle mass this light tempo can be high density.
  • You can improve your pass rate by doing pass studies for 10 to 15 minutes to increase your ball control and technical practice after running.
  • With 15 – 20 repetitions you can make your leg muscles work with the squat movements.
  • Again with 15-20 reps you will notice that the shuttle and push-up movements will strengthen your fitness level.
  • At the end of all this you can complete your daily football exercise after 8-10 minutes of yawning movements.

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So why is it so important to gain fitness in football?

Strengthening your legs muscles means that you can move faster and faster, as well as be able to take advantage of your competitors in the dual-fight and ball-free areas. Start by deciding what is more important to you for your individual development and prepare your personal exercise program accordingly. To improve your fitness qualification in football, you need to raise your athletic level. Improving all the muscle groups and increasing endurance is therefore very important. Keeping your diet and sleep at a certain level can also make it easier for you to gain fitness. Back to legs muscles, you should run hamstring muscle groups such as quadriceps (upper leg muscle group), qlute (hip muscles), calves (calf muscles), abductor (outer leg muscle), adductor (inner leg muscle).

In particular, the body weight according to the set and weight-based exercises, micro- and macro- muscle groups quickly to run some equipment, thatrequires conditioning tools. You can enter the process of gaining an effective fitness with football equipment that you can choose from both outdoor training and individual programs. Depending on the equipment you prefer, your exercise will gain a more specific form. Team training with equipment such as funnel, miniature castle, football ball; you can also support your individual performance with equipment such as shorts, shirts, socks, thermal clothes.

Running for hours, carrying more weight than you can carry, or working too hard to increase your heart rate, it's so easy to increase your fitness with 20-30 minute training programs on three to five sets in a week. There is no need to stress yourself or postpone your daily routines in your social life. All you have to pay attention to is the regular application of your personal program, that's all!

So, how much harm would a bad training program do to a football player? Bad training, first of all, stretches the strength of the muscles and damages the footballer until the reflex is coordinated. A bad training program will distract a football player unnecessarily because it will force him.


A goal is scored when the whole of the ball passes over the goal line, between the goalposts and under the crossbar. Forward players, also called centre-forward, must have some key features, such as the ability to decrease a man, the ability to shoot accurately, the ability to control a ball with a head. Each football club is in search of a forward with the characteristics of its own game system. Of course, the most important feature expected from a forward is the ability to score. Although it’s a qualified forward, it’s not possible for a player to win the discretion of the fans and club officials.

Thebest forward players are both skilled and productive players. Playing football is a sport that is as difficult as it is a fun. The best forwards have won this title by working hard. Forwards, who are ready to play the match with a variety of working styles, including force exercises, stamina, endurance, tactical exercises, accurate pass and shot exercises, free-kick trials, running with or without a ball, with or without obstacles running, must keep themselves mentally ready.Good forwards have many features, and one feature of each forward is more prominent than others. But there are common features to be found in good forwards. Fiveofthemarelistedbelow.

  • Speed: today's football forwards should now be faster than before. Because defenders do different tactical work to block the forwards.
  • Control: it’s important to find a healthy shot for a forward to be able to control the ball well. Also called timing, time control is very important.
  • Shot: the most important feature expected from a forward is that the last shot is strong and accurate. For this reason, forwards often perform shots and frizzy exercises.
  • Intelligence: forwards must have flexible and practical thinking skills and have a subtle intelligence to produce positions
  • Pass: forwards must make a good assessment and accurate intermediate passes, and if necessary, make wise passes.

    Age to start football

The Spanish technical trainer Rafael Benitez describes which age is the ideal place to step on the green field. Don't bring your kid to football without first looking here!

"There are two different views on this issue; according to one the age of 10 is the most appropriate age to start football, while the other one is about to start this sport at an early age, he says.”

Winter football camp in Antalya

Sport at an early age

“At the age of first three years, the ability to move is very important. In this way, children develop coordination abilities and balance, place and time perceptions while acquiring the ability to observe and create. Between the ages of three and six, problem solving by trial and error method, repetition, comparing and evaluating the results of understanding, the phase is described as individual creativity by emphasizing the creation of new things.The most critical age range for physical properties is 6 to10. Children of this age can improve their physics by doing sports. Sports and playing games are useful in improving motor skills. What is important in these ages is to gain awareness of the correct reaction and the necessary techniques in place.”

Starting football

“We have to talk about the common features of some age groups before we can start football.

7 years old: tends to engage in special activities, but when faced with a new and different option, ac child can immediately stop. When they do something else, they get tired or bored too quickly from this activity.

8 years: their tendency to learn new techniques and skills is better than those of seven. They also get distracted quickly and often argue with participants when they do sports without parental control.

9 years: like to push themselves; if something makes them happy, they definitely want to be the best at it. They are also interested in learning and want to show their new skills to their friends.

10 years: their greatest pleasure is physical activity. They also like to spend time with their peers and they want to be among people all the time. It’s the time when they are most likely to master hand skills.

Many psychologists describe the age of 9-10 as the age at which motor skills are best achieved. This period is the period in which the least problem is experienced in terms of both psychological and physical development. In addition, a 10-year-old kid has completed the stage of growth. Starting from here, we can say that the ideal age to start football is 9-10.”Question: if we start teaching a child football when he is seven years old, when he reaches the age of 12, will he be in a much better position than one who started football at the age of 10?

“There is a point that educators insist on: if certain skills are acquired in a period that is not suitable for the ages I mentioned above, then there is a risk of being forgotten. Four groups of children, two of whom are three-four, and the others are five-six years old, were formed for a test. While one of these groups had a ball throwing exercise to each other, others did not do this work. After a while there were no significant differences between the two three and four age groups, but there were significant differences between the two five and six age groups. This shows that exercise is much more effective when it’s done at the age of five or six. In addition, when a child starts playing football, it’s important that he has to interact with equipment such as the field, the castle and the ball, so that his physical perception is at the highest level. For example, if the ball is heavy for him, he will have to hit it with the tip of his foot (nose). This kind of wrong-hitting techniques can become a habit in the future, and therefore require preventing from developing his football skills.”


“As a result, we should encourage children to play football, especially through activities involving movement, from the day they were born, but we should expect them to be 9 to 10 years old to start playing football.”

Which sport should children do at what age

It’s a matter of confusion between the parents when children should start the sport. The warning of experts is that families should first decide whether their children will play sports professionally or like amateurs.

football training in Antalya

Which sport is more appropriate for young children?

A 2-3 years-old child learns and does some simple basic movements such as running, jumping, hopping. Especially, it’s too early to try to gain some skills. They can go to the park early, swing on the swings, play games in the pool under the control of their parents.

Between the ages of 4-6 they can dance, jump with a rope, catch light balls, throw, do bike riding with two or additionalrear wheels. Motor skills and sense of security of children after the age of 6-7 increases. Now they can start team sports. 3-day strength-style movements, such as climbing somewhere, activities are important for muscles and heart health. Sports should be considered as early play for children. At the age of 3 - 5 years success should not be expected.

Which sport and when children should do?

The age to start football is normally 9-11. However, when it’s started at the age of 8-9, technical skills are gained and team play can be added at the age of 10-12. The most appropriate starting period for swimming is the age range of 5 -6. Basketball can be started at the age of 10-12.

If training starts 2-3 years in advance, the technical skills will develop and if a child goes to a match, it’s preferred that’s done before he is 11-12 years old.

The appropriate period for gymnastics is 5-6 years. However, this activity can be recognized at 4 to 5 years of age. The goal is as follows, the 11-12 age range is ideal to participate in the competition.

How do we know which sport is right for a child?

Genetic structure could be a clue. If your parents are tall, the child can be directed to basketball considering that it will be like this in the future. If he likes water, he can have swimming, movement skills, and gymnastics if he has developed flexibility. For all the sports branches, skills, endurance and flexibility are among the general features.

What is the most important element in sports?

He should like the sport he's going to do. The branches where training is long should be evaluated well during the selection. Whether to choose to be a professional in the future or for the purpose of action, the family should decide by looking at this.

Environments where physical development is appropriate should be chosen. For example, basketball, football, wrestling, such as contact with children, not the skill and physical age should be taken into account. Here even five to six months can be very important. If this is overlooked, motivation and interest decrease in case of failure.

Parents' primary goal should be to ensure the enjoyment of children, patient and motivator should be treated. At school, sports clubs or neighbourhoods with friends should be allowed to do sports. The teacher should be loved. The fact that the preferred activity is safe and that everyone is involved makes a positive contribution to their development.

What are the benefits of sports at the young age?

Learns to be patient, has a sense of sharing in team sports. Healthy bones and muscle formation is supported. Regular athletes use weekly time well. They plan their homework, sleep,doesn't miss the lunch time.

Their life becomes more disciplined. Team sports, volleyball, basketball, such as sharing games, winning, teaches the sense of losing. Understand the importance of work. Sports gives children the feeling of not giving up, overcoming difficulties. All activities are done to reduce stress. It contributes to the development of skills especially in numerical areas such as mathematics. It affects quick decision making.

Your child's sport is not only a professional athlete, but also a highly self-confident, disciplined and socially active individual throughout his / her life as a very important factor in terms of being an individual that fulfills his / her responsibilities.önemleri en iyi şekilde değerlendirebilmek demektir.

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