
The Importance of Basis in Tennis

Basis in Tennis & Improvement – The Impact of Sport on Children

The Importance Of Basis in Tennis

As in any sport, it is very important in tennis too, to train athletes from the Basis and help these athletes to develop. Training a tennis player from the basis is a troublesome and difficult task. All these demand patience, knowledge and skills.

The process is as follows;

Each club has sports schools where young athletes begin to play tennis.Among the athletes registered in these sports schools, interviews of the family of athletes are conducted, potentially strong

Sport Camp In TurkeyAmong the athletes registered in these sports schools, interviews of the family of athletes are conducted, potentially strong

athletes, relatively more talented students who want to play tennis professionally are identified, and their transition to the Basis and how this process works are held. And if the athlete's family wants to do this, the athlete is issued a license, and he is ready to participate in tournaments.

There is a long, difficult and fascinating way ahead.

The first steps in tennis in Turkey begin in tournaments for 8-9-10 years old organized by the Tennis Federation.

After that, tournaments for age groups take place, as well as Tennis Europe tournaments, and as they mature, they start playing ITF, and then professional tournaments are held. It is at this age that it is time for parents to decide whether to go to school or continue their sports career as a professional. Many families are faced with this issue and problem, and usually decided not to pursue a sporting career, but to engage in a school program.

Thus, as a result of complex workouts in a very long process, tennis remains as a support for education, rather than a professional career. Of course, this is not bad, the athlete receives awards for his efforts as a scholarship, but the majority chooses this path, because the number of players who play and seek to play professional tennis in our country is almost negligible.Sport Camp In Antalya

To increase the number of players who will represent our country in the international arena, it is necessary to change the situation, and it is very important to find talented players from the Basis of our clubs, inform them and their parents and prepare them for the future.

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