
Sports training camps in Antalya

Sports training camps inAntalya, Turkey

How to become a professional athlete

In order to become an athlete, you need to do a lot step by step. One skipped step can negatively affect subsequent steps. And now it will advance step by step:

Step # 1: Move for a sufficient amount of time.
People were born to move. But the modern world is now arranged in such a way that there is practically no need for walking. Until recently, more of the population lived in small villages and towns than in large cities.They could satisfy their vital needs there too.For example, in the morning they went to the vegetable garden 500 meters from the house and pickled vegetables, and then returned and cooked breakfast for themselves.

Now, with a flick of one finger, your food is at your door. We do not move even for the most important aspect of life - eating.

In this case, in the first place, we need to ensure the movement of our body. Remember, the life of bedridden patients is short. Because our body has its own chemistry. And this chemistry works without interruption if we move for enough time.

To get enough movement, be sure to move regularly. Let there be three types of your movement:

1 - Jogging.

2 - Endurance exercise.

3 - Exercise in the fresh air.

Do not break your routine in any way while doing these exercises. For example 2 days of 5K jogging, 2 days of 30-minute endurance exercise, 1 day of outdoor jogging in the spring months, soccer, basketball or swimming in the sea in summer ...

If you do everything, without changing the amount and intensity, 3-4 days a week without hesitation, then you can assume that you are moving enough. Otherwise, don't think that you are moving enough.Sports camp in Turkey

Step # 2: Perform Correct Technical Exercises
If you exercise 3-4 times a week, make sure you do each technique correctly. If you received the right physical education as a child, it will be easier for you. But if you started playing sports in adulthood, then you need to be careful.

  1. Do a physique analysis. If there are any drawbacks, then do the necessary exercises with a personal trainer.
  2. Learn the correct technique for jogging, squatting and other movements of daily life.
  3. Choose the movements that work best for you.

Step # 3: Train with the Right Pace and Load
Everyone who plays sports 3-4 days a week begins to consider himself an athlete. They will not care much about the execution technique. One day he will run 5 km, in a week he will run 3 km, after another week he will run 5 km, and in a month he will be in a 42 km marathon. Then continuing in this way one day will suddenly get hurt. We often see stories like this.

People who want to follow this path should not forget that they are still candidates for athletes. It is necessary to put the body in order in accordance with the chosen sport. The development of the physique should be organized with a periodic schedule. To do this, be sure to use educational information books or trainers. It is necessary to draw up a plan for the season in the form of a dossier.

Step # 4: Exercise High Performance
Having reached this stage, the human body begins to engage in sports that go beyond its limits. To play sports at this level, it is imperative to work with a team of trainers and take all nutritional, strength, psychological and technical supplements. These types of athletes act according to the goals they have set for themselves over the years. You should be aware that development in a short time has a short-term effect.

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