
Sport Training Camp in Turkey For İnternational Teams

Sport Training camps for Sports teams in Antalya

Information About Football

A branch of sport - two teams 11 players each played with a sphere-shaped ball without using hands, only using their feet, head and other parts of the body shooting a ball into the opponent’s gate.Football is considered to be the most popular sport of our time.

Football’s past endures up to 3000 years B.C. During Emperor Huang Ti’s period in China (2697 B.C.), it’s understood from the written documents that soldiers played some kind of football named Tsu-Cuhu while preparing for the war. It was a round ball made of leather, which was passing through two pegs.

Footballers have always been mistreated by the public. King IICharles started playing freely during his reign. In 1863, they reached a certain agreement on the rules of football and established the British Football Federation. After this date, it has spread to European countries and the whole world.

Turkish society began to play modern football in the end of the 19th century. Football currently being quite popular comes before almost all other sport branches. There are many successes in Turkey's national matches.



Dimensions: the playing field must be of rectangular form. The length of the touch line must be greater than the length of the gate line.

Length: at least 90 m. (100 yards) - up to 120 m. (130 yards)

Width: at least 45 m. (50 yards) - up to 90 meters. (100 yards)


Length: at least 100 m. (110 yards) - up to 110 m. (120 yards)

Width: at least 64 m. (70 yards) - up to 75 m. (80 yards)


The playing field is determined by lines. These lines are included into the bounded area. Two long side lines are called touch, and the other two short side lines are called the gate line. All the lines must be up to 12 cm (5 inches) wide.The playing field is divided into two by a middle line. The starting point is marked in the middle of this line. From this point as a center a circle with radius of 9.15 m (10 yards) is drawn

Football Gate

The gates must be placed in the center of each gate line. They consist of a horizontal upper pole, which is joined by two upright posts at an equal distance from the flag posts.

The distance between two posts is 7.32 m from the inside (8 yards), height of the upper pole to the lower edge from the ground is 2.44 m (8 feet).

Each of the two posts and the crossbar should be of the same thickness up to 12 centimeters (5 inches). The gate lines are of the same width as the gate posts. The gate nets may be attached with the condition that they are firmly anchored to the top posts and the ground and give a goalkeeper freedom of movement.

The gate posts and the upper pole must be white.

Football Gate Field

The gate area is determined at both ends of the field as follows:

5.5 m from the inside of the gate posts (6 yards) two lines perpendicular to the gate line are drawn away. These lines are about 5.5 m into the field, the ball is in play when it has been deliberately kicked to a teammate by a player of the opposing team. This area is limited to the lines and the gate line.

Football Penalty Area

The playing field is determined at both ends of the field as described below.

16.5 m from the inside of the gate posts (18 yards) distance to the line of the gate line perpendicular, two lines are drawn. These lines are 16.5 m into the field. (18 yards) extended perpendicular to the gate line and combined with a line parallel to the gate line. The penalty area is the area bounded by the lines and the gate line.

The ball is in play when it has wholly crossed the gate line, either on the ground or in the air. A penalty point is marked at the distance of 12 yards.

The penalty area outside is drawn with a circle arc of 9.16 m (10 yards) radius.

Flag Posts

At every corner, at least 1.5 m (5 feet) high, with non-pointed end flagged pole is mounted. Flagposts are also at the midfield line, at least 1 m from the touch line (1 yard) can be mounted outside.

Security In Football

The gates must be firmly fixed to the ground. Portable gates may be used if they comply with these conditions.

IFAB Decisions

Decision 1

If the top is removed or broken, the game shall be stopped until the top is fixed and replaced. If there is no possibility of repair, the game will be paused. The use of rope instead of the top pole is not allowed. If the ball is kicked directly into play, a referee restarts the game with a dropped ball from the place where it was when the game was stopped.

Decision 2

The gate poles and the upper post must be made of wood, metal or other approved material. Their shape can be square, rectangle, round or ellipse, and should not create any danger to players.

Decision 3

The game shall be restarted with a direct free kick from the place where the infringement occurred, and a penalty kick shall be awarded to the opposing team from the place where the infringement occurred. In particular, no advertising material can be placed on the gates, nets, flag poles and flags. No extraneousobjects (camera, microphone, etc.) should be attached.

Decision 4

There will be no ads on the floor of the area outside the playing area within the technical field or within a meter of the touch line. In addition, it’s not allowed to put adds to the area between the goal line and the nets.

Decision 5

Within the time specified in decision 3, on the playing field and the playground equipment (including gate networks and their enclosed areas), FIFAconfederations, national federations, leagues, clubs or other organizations‘ virtual genuine brand (logo or emblem) advertisements are prohibited.

Decision 6

To keep distance, a corner kick of 9.15 m (10 yards) away from the gate, a lineperpendicular to the gate line and outside of the playing field can be drawn.

Ball qualities and dimensions in football

Ball: spherical, leather or other suitable material, circumference of up to 70 cm (828 inches), at least 68 cm (27 inches), weight of up to 450 grams (16 ounce), at least 410 gr (14 oz) pressure at the sea level must be between 0.6-1.1 atmosphere (600 gr/cm2 - 1100 gr/cm2; 8.5 lbs/sq.m.) and 15.6 lbs/sq.inches).

Replacement of Defective Ball

  • the game is stopped.
  • The game starts with a referee‘s shot with a replacement ball from the place where defective ball was found.

If the ball blasts or becomes defective during a kick-off, a goal kick, a corner kick, a free kick, a penalty kick or a throw-in:

  • a game starts with a shot or throwing-in.

The ball cannot be changed during the game without the referee's approval.

IFAB Decisions in Football

Decision 1

In official competitions, only the balls in accordance with the minimum technical specifications specified in Rule 2 are allowed to be used.

In the official games of FIFA and in the official matches held under responsibility of confederations, the ball to be used in the official matches must comply with one of the following specifications:


These articles on the ball show that the ball is officially tested and that it complies with the specific technical requirements for each category, in addition to the minimum specifications specified in the second rule. The specific technical requirements of each category must be approved by IFAB. The institutions that will perform these tests are subject to FIFA's approval.

National federations may request the use of balls bearing one of the above three articles in their official matches.

In all other matches, the ball must have technical specifications of the 2nd rule.
Decision 2

In official matches held under responsibility of FIFA's official matches, confederations and national federations, no commercial advertisements can be placed on the ball except the emblem of the match, the organizer of the match, the firm that produces the ball. Size, type of rigging and brand will be determined by the competition regulation.


Players in Football

The game is played between two teams, each consisting of maximum of 11 players, one of which is a goalkeeper. If there are less than 7 players in one team, that match will not start.

Official Matches

A maximum of three players may be replaced by FIFA Confederations or national federations. In the competition regulation, the number of substitutes must be specified between 3 and 7.

Other Matches

In other matches, if;

if the teams agree on the maximum number of players to be replaced, the referee may change the maximum number of players up to 5, if the referee is informed before the match. If the referee is not informed or the number of players to be replaced cannot be reached before the match begins, maximum 3 players may be replaced.

All the Matches

In all matches, the names of the substitute players must be given to the referee before the match begins. Substitute players who are not named can not play in the match.

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Players Substitution Method

A player shall be cautioned and shown the yellow card if he commits any of the following seven offences:

  1. A referee is informed before the change is made,
  2. A substitute enters a playing field only if the player to replace him has left the field and receives the signal from the referee,
  3. A substitute enters a playing field only at the moment the game is stopped,
  4. Substitution is completed when a substitute enters the field,
  5. A player shall be cautioned and shown the yellow card if he commits any of the following offences in a manner considered by the referee to be careless, reckless or using excessive force,
  6. A player who has been replaced by a substitute player shall not be allowed to enter the game again,
  7. All substitute players are subject to the authority and decision of the referee, whether or not they are in the game

Change of Goalkeeper

  1. Any of the other players,
  2. Informing the referee in advance,

If the ball is in play when it has been touched by a player of the opposing team, the referee shall award an indirect free kick to the opposing team.


If a substitute enters the field of play without the referee's permission:

  1. a) the game is stopped.
  2. b) a yellow card with a warning shall be issued to the player who enters a playing field and then he shall be removed from the playing field,
  3. c) the game resumes with a referee’s signal with the ball at the same place where it was at the moment when the game was stopped.

If a player changes places with a goalkeeper without taking the referee's permission:

  1. a) the game continues,
  2. b) a yellow card is shown to the infringing players when the ball is out of play for the first time.

In all other matters of this rule:

The players who violated get a warning and a yellow card.

Restart of the Game

If the game was stopped by the referee to give a warning:

the game is restarted at the moment the referee stops the game, with an indirect free kick by a player of the opposing team.

Players and supplementary players substitution in football

A substitute player whose name is notified may be replaced by a player who was exported before the game was on. If a replacement player has been issued before or after the start of the match, no other substitution is allowed.

IFAB Decisions in football

Decision 1

The minimum number of players in a team is left at the discretion of the national federations. However, IFAB has opinion that a match should not continue if there are less than 7 players in a team.

Decision 2

The technical director and other officials must remain inside the technical area in the stadiums where the technical area is located.

and they must behave responsibly. During the match, technical director coach may give tactical instructions to the players.

Players' clothes and equipment in football


A player shall not wear any clothes or carry any equipment that may be dangerous to him or any other player (including all couplings).

Required Clothes

Clothing required by a player

  • Uniform or shirt,
  • shorts (if tights are worn, tights should be of short’s base color),
  • leggings,
  • greaves,
  • football shoes.


  • should be completely covered with leggings.
  • should be made of a suitable material (rubber, plastic or similar).
  • must provide adequate protection.


Each goalkeeper is dressed in a colour that distinguishes him from other players, referees and assistant referees.

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In case of any violation of this rule:

  • it’s not a condition to stop the game.
  • a referee notifies the player whose clothing and equipment does not comply with the rules that he should leave the playing field in order to make the necessary corrections
  • if the player has not corrected unsuitable clothing and equipment until the ball is out of game, the player will be out of the playing field starting from the moment when the ball is out of play.
  • a player who left the playing field to correct his clothing and equipment can not enter the playing field again without the referee's permission.
  • the referee checks if the player has corrected his clothes and equipment before allowing them to enter the playing field,
  • the player is only allowed to enter the game when the ball is out of play.

A player who has been removed from the playing field for violations of this rule shall be cautioned and shown the yellow card if re-enters the playing field without the referee's permission (or enters the playing field for the first time).

Replay of the Game

If the game was stopped by a referee to give a warning:

  • the game is restarted at the moment the referee stops the game, with an indirect free kick by a player of the opposing team.


Game Circuits

If the referee and the two teams do not agree otherwise, a game shall consist of two equal periods of 45 minutes. The decision to change the time limits of the game (for example, to two 40-minute circuits due to the darkening) must be given before the game starts and must conform to competition regulations.


Players have the right to rest at halftime. It should not be longer than 15 minutes. Competition regulations should specify the time period between the circuits. Time limit may be changed only with the permission of the referee.

Extension for Lost Time

Due to the following situations, the lost time will be added to the circuit to which it belongs.

  1. a) changesof the player
  2. b) injury of players,

c)removal of injured players from the playing field,

  1. d) time passed,
  2. e) for any other reason.

The time to be added is at the discretion of the referee.

Penalty Shootingin Football

The time required for a penalty shot to be made is added at the end of both circuits or extension circuits.

Football Extension Circuits

Competition regulations may include that two equal extension circuits must be added to a game. In this case, provisions of the rule 8 should be taken into account.

Holiday Match

Unless otherwise stated in the competition regulation, a game that has been postponed shall be repeated.


Before the Starting Shot

A coin is tossed and the team that wins the toss decides which gate it will attack in the first half.

The other team hits the start of the game. The team that wins the money toss hits in both halves. In the second half of the match, teams change their gates and attack the other gate.

Methodologyin Football

  1. a) allthe players shall be in their half-field,

b)the opponents of the team making the starting shot of the ball should stay away at the distance of 9.15 m. (10 yards) until the ball is in play,

  1. c) the ball stops at the middle point,
  2. d) therefereewill give you a sign.
  3. e) the ball shall be in play from the moment it’s kicked and moves forward.
  4. f) theplayer who hit the ball may not touch it for the second time before another player touches it.

After each scored goal, the opposing team makes the starting shot of the ball.

Violations / Penalties in Football

If the player who hit the ball touched it for the second time before another player touched it:

-a free kick shall be awarded to the opposing team from the place where the infringement occurred.

In the event of violation of the starting shot method in any other way:

- theshot will be repeated.

Referee’s Signals in Football

The game shall be restarted with a referee’s signal if the game is stopped temporarily for any reason not specified in the rules of the game while the ball is in play.

Methodology in Football

The referee shall start the game by dropping the ball from where it was when the game was stopped.

The game will be restarted when the ball touches the ground.

Violations / Penalties in Football

A referee shall restart the game in the following cases:

-if the ball touches the ground before it was touched by another player, the referee shall award an indirect free kick to the opposing team,

- if the ball is out of play after it has touched the ground, without being touched by any other player, it shall be penalized by the award of a direct free kick to the opposing team.

Special Situationsin Football

A free kick given in the own gate area in favor of the defending team can be made from any part of that area. An indirect free kick given in favor of the attacking team within the opposing gate area is made from the closest point to the violation on the gate line.

After a temporary stop within the gate area, the referee's shot to restart the game is made from the point on the nearest gate line, where the ball is located at the moment the game is stopped.


The Ball Out of Play in Football

The ball is out of play in the following cases:

-when the ball crosses the gate line or touch line completely, in the air or on the ground,

- when the game is stopped by the referee.

The Ball in Play in Football

The ball:

-hits one of the poles of the gate, the top pole, or a corner flag pole;

-is in the playing area in all the situations where the referee or an assistant referee hits it to someone, including all the situations when the ball is not out of play.

Goal Scoring Methodology in Football

Scoring a Goal

In case the team who shots a goal does not violate the rules before shooting it, the goal is scored by passing of the whole ball through the poles and under the top pole.

A Winning Team

The team scoring more goals in a match is considered to have won the match. If both teams have scored an equal number of goals or have not scored at all, the match will be drawn.

Competition Regulations

Decisions can be made to include regulations, extension circuits or methods approved by IFAB to determine the team that wins the match in the matches ended drawn.

Offside in Football

Offside Position

It’s not a violation to be in an offside position only.

If a player:

- is in the offside position if the opponent is close to the gate line and closer to the second opponent player

If a player is:

- in its own half-field,


-aligned with the second opposing player,


- not in the offside position and aligned with the last two opponent players.


When a player in the offside position touches the teammate or is played by his teammate, the referee's conviction points out that:

- by interfering into the game,


interfering with an opponent,


-having advantage of the position, if a player is in active game, he will be punished with offside.

No Violation

If the ball is kicked directly to the player:

- from the gateshot,


- from the touch line shot,


- comes from the penalty shot, there will be no offside warning.

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Violations / Penalties in Football

For each offside warning, an indirect free kick shall be awarded by the referee to the opposing team from the place where the infringement occurred.

Fouls and Bad Movements in Football

Fouls and bad movements are punished in the following ways:

Direct Free Shot

A direct free shot is awarded to the opposing team if a player commits any of the following six offences in a manner considered by the referee to be careless, reckless or using excessive force:

-kicks or attempts to kick an opponent,

-ifmakes the opponent run or attempts to do so,

- ifjumps on the opponent,

- if he charges the opponent,

- if he strikes or attempts to strike an opponent,

- if he pushes the opponent.

A direct free shot is also awarded to the opposing team if a player commits any of the following four offences:

-in order to take the ball struggles for the ball with his feet, without touching a ball first touches an opponent,

- if he holds the opponent,

- if he spits at the opponent,

-if he plays the ball with hand on purpose (except for the goalkeeper within his own penalty area).

A direct free shot is made from the place where the infringement occurred.

Penalty Shot in Football

If one of the above 10 violations is made by a player in his own penalty area, a penalty shot is given regardless of the position of the ball, provided that the ball is in play.

Indirect Free Shot

If a goalkeepet commits any of the following five offences in his own penalty area, an indirect free shot will be awarded to the opposing team:

-if he walks more than 4 steps while controlling the ball with his hand before releasing it to the game,

- if the ball touches the ball again with his hands after it has been released from his possession, before it has been touched by another player,

-iftouches the ball with hands after it was purposely kicked to him by a team-mate,

-iftouches the ball with his hands after it has come from the touch line, kicked to him by a team-mate,

- ifwastes time.

If a player commits any of the following offences, a referee will award an indirect free shot to the opposing team:

- if he plays in a dangerous way,

- if he prevents his opponent from moving forward,

- prevents a goalkeeper from releasing the ball into play,

-when the game is stopped for the player’s warning or expulsion.

Indirect free shot is made from the place where the infringement occurred.

Disciplinary Penalties in Football

Situations when warning is made

If a player makes one of the following 7 violations, he gets a warning and will be shown a yellow card:

  1. If he is guilty of unsportsmanlike behavior,
  2. Expresses objection to the referee or his decisions with words or behavior,

If constantly breaks the rules of the game

  1. Retards re-start of the game,
  2. If he does not open the required space for re-start of the game for a corner kick or a free kick,
  3. If he enters the playing field for the first time or re-enters without a referee's permission,
  4. If he intentionally abandones the playing field without the referee's permission

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SituationsofSending Off the Field in Football

If a player makes one of the following 7 violations, he gets warning and will be shown a red card:

  1. If he's guilty of serious foul,
  2. If he's guilty of violent behavior,
  3. If he spits at an opponent or someone else,
  4. denies the opposing team a goal or an obvious goal-scoring opportunity by deliberateplaying the ball with his hands (this does not apply to a goalkeeper within his own penalty area)
  5. If he preventswith violation an opponent moving towards the gate the chance to score an obvious goal, free kick or a penalty kick,

6.If he talks in offensive, insulting or abusive manner,

  1. If he receives a second warning in the same match.

IFAB Decisions in Football

Decision 1

If a goalkeeper, while the ball is in play, being in his own penalty area, throws a ball by hitting it to an opponent, or if he attempts to do so, a penalty kick punishment is given.

Decision 2

A player is penalized for the nature of the infringement if he violates a competitor, teammate, referee, referee assistant, or any other person, within the playing field, or if he has made a breach of notice.

Decision 3

As a goalkeeper touches a ball with his hand or arm, It’s considered that the ball is taken under control. It also includes the situation when a goalkeeper possesses the ball by touching it with his hand or arm. But in case a goalkeeper is protecting the gate or the ball bounces offa referee does not consider the ball to be taken under control.

If a goalkeeps holds the ball for more than 5-6 seconds, it’s evaluated like wasting time.

Decision 4

A player can make a pass to his own goalkeeper by using his head or chest or knees. However, if, referee thinks that a player deliberately impedes the progress of an opponent to take advantage of this rule, that player is guilty of unsporting behaviour. A player is cautioned and shown the yellow card and an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team from the place where the infringement occurred. When a free kick is made, a player who deliberately cheats to take advantage of this rule is given a yellow card and a warning is given for his unsportsmanlike behavior. A free kick is repeated. In these cases, it does not matter if the goalkeeper plays the ball with his hand or not. The violation was committed by the player who tried to break the spirit of the 2nd rule.

Decision 5

Rear interventions that endanger the health of the opponent team will be considered as serious fouls.

Decision 6

Any act that is determined to deceive an arbitrator anywhere on the playing field will be considered unsportsmanlike.

Free Kicks in Football

Types of Free Kicks

Free kicks are of two types - direct or indirect. Both for direct and indirect kicks, when the kick is made, the ball must lie still on the ground and should not be touched by any player except for the one who kicks. It also can not be touched for the second time by the same player.

Direct Free Kick

- if a direct free kick directly enters the opponent's gate, a goal is scored.

-if a direct free kick directly enters the team's own goal, a corner kick is given in the opponent's team favor.

Indirect Free Kick

A referee indicates the indirect free kick by lifting his hand above the head. He keeps holding his hand like this while the kick is made until the ball is touched by another player or out of play.

The Ball’s Entering of the Gate in Football

A goal is counted only if the ball enters the gate after touching another player.

-if an indirect free kick enters the opponent's gate directly, a gate shot is done,

-if an indirect free kick enters the team's own gate directly, an opponent’s team is awarded with a corner kick.

Free Kick Position in Football

A Free Kick From the Penalty Area

Direct or indirect free kickto the defending team:

- all the players of the opponent team should be at least 9.15 m (10 yards) from the ball,

- all the players of the opponent team remain outside the penalty area until the ball is in play,

- the ball shall be kicked directly into play when it has been kicked outside the penalty area,

-A free kick given in the gate area can be made from any part of the field.

Indirect free kick given to the attacking team:

- all the players of the opponent team, staying from the ball at least at 9.15 m (10 yards), between the poles of their own gate on the gate line, except until the ball is in play.

- the ball is in play as soon as it was hit and started moving.

- an indirect free kick within the gate area is made from the closest point to the place where infringement was made parallel to the gate line.

Free Kick Outside the Penalty Area

- at least 9.15 m (10 yards)away from all the players of the opponent team until the ball is in play.

- the ball is in play at the moment it‘s kicked and started moving.

- free kick is made at the place where infringement occurred.

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Violations / Penalties in Football

If, during a freekick, the opponent is closer to the ball than necessary:

- the hit is repeated.

If after a free kick made by the defending team in its own penalty area, the ball did not enter play directly:

- the hit is repeated.

A free kick made by a player other than a goalkeeper, after the ball enters the game, the player who shoots (except playing with hands) touches the ball for a second time before another player touches it:

- an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team from the place where the violation occurred.

If, after the ball enters the game, the player who hit the ball, before it was touched by another player, purposely plays it with hands:

- a direct free kick is awarded to the opposing team from the place where the violation occurred.

- if the violation occured within the penalty area of player who hit, a penalty kick is given.

Free kickmade bya goalkeeper

If, after the ball is in play, the goalkeeper touches the ball for a second time (except playing it with hands) before another player has touched it:

- an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team from the place the violation occured.

If after the ball entered the game, and was not touched by another player, the goalkeeper purposely plays it with hands:

-if violation occured outside the goalkeeper’s penalty area, the opponent team gets a right for an indirect free kick from the place the violation took place.

- if violation occured inside the goalkeeper’s penalty area, the opponent team gets a right for an indirect free kick from the place the violation took place.

Penalty Kick in Football

A penalty kick in the form of direct free kick is awarded to the opposing team if a player commits any of the following ten offences while the ball is in game. A goal may be scored directly from a penalty kick.

A penalty kick is awarded if a player commits any of the following three offences in a manner considered by the referee to be careless, reckless or using excessive force.

In the end of both circuits or at the end of the extension circuits time required for a penalty kick is given.

Position of the Ball and Players

The ball:- placed on the penalty mark.

A player who will hit:- clearly determined.

Goalkeeper of defensive team:

-unless the ball is hit the players stay between their own gates‘ poles on a gate line turning their faces to the player who hits.

Other Players:

- inside the playing field,

- outside the penalty area,

- behind the penalty point,

- located at the distance of at least 9.15 meters (10 yards) from the penalty point.


-unless players take their places according to the rules for a penalty kick, he does not give a penalty signal.

- he decides on when a penalty kick should be completed.


- a player kicking the ball shall kick the ball forward,

- a player kicking the ball should not play it for the second time until another player touches it,

- the ball is in play when it‘s kicked and moves forward.

If a penalty kick is used during a regular period of game, or at the end of the first half or at the end of the first half of the match, the kick shall be made again:

-after touching one or both poles and / or the top pole and / or the goalkeeper, the goal is scored if a ball passes between the poles and under the upper pole.

Violations / Penalties

If after the referee gave a signal for a penalty, and the ball is not in play, one of the following conditions occurs:

If a player who kicks infridges the rules of the game:

- the referee gives permission for a kick,

- if a ball enters the gate, a kick should be repeated,

- if a ball does not enter the gate, a kick should not be repeated,

If a goalkeeper infringes the rules of the game:

- the referee gives permission for a kick,

- if the ball enters the gate, a goal is scored,

- if a ball does not enter the gate, a kick should be repeated,

If the shooter's team enters the penalty area or crosses the penalty spot or comes closer than 9.15 m (10 yards)to the penalty spot:

- the referee gives permission for a kick,

- if a ball does not enter the gate, a kick should not be repeated,

- If a ball comes back from the goalkeeper, coming back from the upper pole or the poles of the gate, then the referee stops the game and restarts the game with an indirect free kick in favor of the defense.

If the goalkeeper’s team mate enters the penalty area or crosses the penalty spot or comes to the penalty spot closer than 9.15 m (10 yards):

- the referee gives permission for a kick,

- if a ball enters the gate, a goal is scored,

- if a ball does not enter the gate, a kick should be repeated,

In case a player of both teams violates the rules of the game:

- a kick should be repeated.

If after a penalty kick was made:

A player who kicks (except for playing with hands) touches a ball for the second time before it was touched by another player:

- An opposing team gets a right for an indirect free kick at the place where infringement occured.

If a player who kicks the ball, touches it on purpose with his hands before another player touches it:

- An opposing team gets a right for a direct free kick at the place where infringement occured.

If a ball touches an external object while moving forward:

- a kick should be repeated.

If the ball touches an external object after returning from the goalkeeper, the upper pole or the poles:

- the referee stops the game,

- the game is restarted by an arbitrator from the place where the ball touched an external object.

Touch Kick in Football

Touch kick is a method of restarting the game. A goal cannot be scored directlyfrom the touch kick.

Touch Kick:
- when a ball completely crosses the touch line in the air or on the ground

- from the place a ball crossed the touch line,

- it’s made by the opponent of the player who last touched the ball

Methodology in Football

A player making a touch kick

- turns to the playing field with the front part of his body,

- with both feet or a part of the feet steps on the touch line or the outer border oft he touch line, uses his both hands, and throws the ball from the back of the head.

The player making a touch kick can not touch the ball again before it was touched by another player. The ball is in play as soon as it enters the playing field.

Violations / Penalties

If a touch kick is made by another player from a goalkeeper:

If after the ball is in play, the player who makes the touch kick (except for playing it with hand), touches the ball for the second time, before another player touches it:

- An indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team from the place where the violation occurred.

If, after the ball enters the game and before it touches another player, the player who makes the touch kick, intentionally plays the ball with hands:

- a direct free kick is given to the opponent team from the place the violation occured.

- If infringement occured within the penalty area of the player making the touch kick, a penalty kick is given.

If a touch kick is made by a goalkeeper:
If, after the ball enters the game, the goalkeeper (except for playing with hands) touches a ball for the second time before another player touches the ball:

- an indirect free kick is given to the opponent team from the place where the violation occured.

If, after the ball enters the game and before another player touches it, the goalkeeper intentionally plays the ball with hand:

- If the violation occured outside the penalty area of the goalkeeper, a direct free kick is awarded to the opposing team.

- If the violation occured inside the penalty area of the goalkeeper, an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team.

If the opponent player behaves in anunsportsmanlike behavior towards to the player making the touch kick:

-the opponent player is given a yellow card and a warning is given due to his unsportsmanlike behavior.

After violating any other form of this rule:

- the touch kick is made by a player of the opposing team.

Kicking a Goal in Football

Kicking into the gates is a method of restarting the game. A goal may be scored directly from kicking into the gates of the opposing team.

A Goal Kick:

- the ball is in play when it has wholly crossed the goal line, either on the ground or in the air, and before it has been touched by a player of the defending team.


-The shot is made from any point within the gate area of the defending team,

-players of the opponent team stay outside the penalty area until the ball enters the game,

-the player who kicks the ball can not play with it for the second time until another player touches it,

- the ball is in play when it has been kicked directly beyond the penalty area.

Violations / Penalties

If a ball is kicked directly beyond the penalty area:

- the kick shall be repeated.

A goal kick made by another player from the goalkeeper:

If, after the ball is in play, the player who kicks (except fot playing with hands) touches a ball for the second time before another player has touched it:

- an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team from the place where violation occured.

If, after the ball is in play, the player who kicks the ball touches the ball with hands on purpose, before another player has touched it:

- a direct free kick is awarded to the opposing team from the place where the infringement occurred.

- If infringement is made within the penalty area of the player making a shot, a penalty kick is given.

In case a goal kick is made by a goalkeeper:

If, after the ball is in play, the player who kicks (except fot playing with hands) touches a ball for the second time before another player has touched it:

- an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team from the place where violation occured.

If, after the ball is in play, the goalkeeper touches the ball with hands on purpose, before another player has touched it:

- a direct free kick is awarded to the opposing team from the place where the infringement occurred if the violation occured outside the goalkeeper’s penalty area.

- if the violation occured inside the goalkeeper’s penalty area.

- an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team from the place where violation occured.

After violating any other form of this rule:

- a kick is repeated.

Corner Kick in Football

Corner kick is a method of restarting the game. With a corner kick a goal can be scored only directly from the opponent's gate.

A Corner Kick:

-After touching the most recent player of the defensive team, in the air or on the ground, and in compliance with the rule 10, a goal is scored in case the whole of a ball crosses the gate line.


- the ball is placed inside the corner area of the nearest corner flagpost,

- it can not be played from the flagpost area,

-players of the opposing team should stay from the ball at the distance of at least 9.15 m (10 yards) until the ball enters the game,

- kick is made by a player of the attacking team,

-the ball is in play after the kick and starting of movement,

- a player who kicks the ball can not play it for the second time until another player touches it.

Violations / Penalties

If corner kick is made by a player different from the goalkeeper:

If, after the ball is in play, the player who kicks the ball (except for playing with hands), touches the ball for the second time before it was touched by another player:

- an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team from the place where the violation occured.

If, after the ball is in play, the player who kicks the ball touches the ball with hands on purpose, before another player has touched it:

- a direct free kick is awarded to the opposing team from the place where the infringement occurred.

- if the violation occured within the penalty area of the player who kicks the ball, a penalty kick is given.

If the goalkeeper makes the corner kick:

If, after the ball is in play, the goalkeeper (except for playing with hands), touches the ball for the second time before it was touched by another player:

-- an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team from the place where the violation occured.

If, after the ball is in play, the goalkeeper playes the ball with hands on purpose, before another player has touched it:

- a direct free kick is awarded to the opposing team from the place where the infringement occurred if it took place outside the goalkeeper’s penalty area.

- anindirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team from the place where the infringement occurred if it took place inside the goalkeeper’s penalty area.

In case of breaching this rule in any other form:

-a kick is repeated.

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Kicks From Penalty Spot in Football

Kicks made from penalty point, after a match ended in a drawn, if required by the competition, it‘s a method that determines the team that will be considered a winner.


-A referee chooses agate for shots to be made,

-A referee makes a coin toss and the team whose captain won shall make the first shot,

- A referee keeps track of the shots made,

Based on the following conditions, each team should make 5 shots,

- Shots are made by teams by turn.

- If both teams have not made 5 shots each, and one of the teams kicked a goal within less than five shots, shots are stopped.

- If both teams have scored an equal number of goals or have not scored at all after 5 shots, shooting will continue with the same order and equal number of shots until one of the teams scores more goals than the other team.

- If a goalkeeper is injured during the shots and can not continue playing, the team may replace the goalkeeper with a substitute in the list if the team has changed the number of players specified in the competition directive.

- Except for the above mentioned goalkeeper change, only the players in the playing field at the end of the normal match time or the extension period if they have been made can join the penalty point.

- Each shot is made by another player and a player can only make a second shot after all the players having the right to shoot in their team have made shots.

- A player in the playing field may replace the goalkeeper during the shots.

- During the shots only the players who have the right to shoot and the referee with assistant referees will be present.

- The player making a shot and two goalkeepers outside, all the players stay inside the circle in the middle.

- The goalkeeper of the team mate player making a shot, should stay inside of the playing field, outside the penalty area, at the point where the penalty area crosses the gate boundary lines.

-For the kicks made from the penalty spot, the respective Game Rules and IFAB Decisions shall apply unless otherwise stated.

Technical Area

The technical area is particularly relevant for matches played in stadiums with seats reserved for technical officials and substitute players, as indicated below. Since the size and location of the technical areas may vary in each stadium, the main provisions are generally stated below.

- Technical areacovers the area, 1m (1 yard) on both sides of the private seats,sideways and 1m(1 yard) from the touch lineclose to the front side.

- It‘s recommended to use marks to indicate this area.

- The number of persons in the technical area shall be stated in the competition regulation.

- The identity of the players in the technical area is defined in accordance with the competition regulations before the start of the game.

- Only one person at a time has authority to give tactical information, after giving the information he must return to his place immediately.

- Technical director and other officials must remain within the technical area, except in special cases, for example by a physician or a masseur to enter the playing field with the permission of a referee to check for an injured player.

- The technical director and those in the technical area should behave responsibly.


Referee's Authority

Each match is governed by a referee who is fully authorized to enforce the rules of the game.

Referee‘s Powers And Duties in Football


  • applies the rules of the game,
  • Manages the game in co-operation with assistant referees and the fourth referee if any.
  • checks for compliance with the specifications of each ball used in Rule 2,
  • decides whether the players' cloothings comply with the specifications set in Rule 4,
  • determines duration of the game and keeps track of the game,
  • stops the game, temporarily postpones or states a holiday if it violates the rules in any way or for any other reason,
  • in the event of any external interference, the game shall be stopped, suspended temporarilyor constantly,
  • if a player receives a serious injury, he stops the game and ensures that the player is removed from the playing field,
  • if a player receives a minor injury, the game shall continue until the ball is out of play,
  • a player who has a bleeding wound shall be removed from the playing field. If a referee considers that the bleeding has stopped, the player may return to the playing field with the mark of the referee,
  • when stopping the game, the infringing team will provide an advantage if the game continues. In case of not taking advantage, a punishment is given for the violation,
  • punishes a heavier offense in case if a player has multiple violations at the same time,
  • he penalizes the player who has made a violation that requires a notice or sending off. If he doesn't do what is required at the moment, he must do it at the first moment when the ball is out of play.
  • he punishes the team officials if they do not act responsibly, if necessary, removes them from the playing field and its surroundings.
  • acts according to the information provided by the assistant referees in cases he cannot see,
  • does not allow unauthorized persons to enter the playing field,
  • restarts a stopped game,
  • gives to the relevant institutions the match report containing information on the disciplinary measures taken about the players and / or team officials and the events before and after the match.

Referee‘s Decisions in Football

The referee's decisions regarding the game are final.

  • The referee may change a decision only if he has understood that it‘s not correct or, if necessary, according to the information provided by the assistant referees, before restarting the game.

IFAB Decisions in Football

Decision 1

The referee (or if appointed an assistant refereee or the fourth referee), shall not be responsible for the following situations:

any person, club, company, association or other organization in the event of any individual injury or traumatism, damage to any property, or losses incurred by any person, club, company, association or other organization.

This includes:

  • decision on whether or not a game is played due to the situation or conditions of the playing field or its surroundings or weather conditions,
  • the decision for a match to take a holiday for any reason,
  • the decision on the condition of all the materials and equipment used in a game (including the poles, flag poles and the ball),
  • the decision on whether a game should be stopped due to a spectator‘s intervention or events in the stands,
  • the decision of whether an injured player is to stop the game and be removed from the playing field for treatment purposes,
  • the decision on an injured player to request and insist on removal from the playing field for treatment purposes,
  • the decision on whether a player is allowed to wear any equipment or clothing,
  • the decision on whether to permit presence of anyone (including teams and stadium athorities, security personnel, photographers or other media members) around the playing area (if authorized);
  • any decision given by the rules of the game or given by FIFA, confederation, national federation, or a match in accordance with the rules and regulations of the league.

Decision 2

In the tournament and the games in which he is appointed, the role and duties of the fourth referee must be in accordance with the principles approved by the IFAB.

Assistant Referees


In order to mark the following conditions two assistant referees are authorized to make decisions:

  • when the ball is completely out of the playing field,
  • which team will perform a corner kick, goal kick or touch kick,
  • when a player will be penalized with offside due to his position,
  • request a player‘s substitution,
  • bad movements and other incidents not seen by the referee.
  • violations that occur when they are closer to the position than the referee (which, in some special cases, includes violations within the penalty area),
  • in the penalty kicks whena goalkeeper moves forward before the ball is hit and the ball crosses the goal line.


The assistant referees shall assist the referee to manage the match in accordance with the rules of the game.

In some cases they can enter the playing field to control the distance of 9.15 m.

In the event of unnecessary interference or inappropriate behaviour of anassistant referee, the referee shall terminate his duties and report the situation to the competent authorities.

The Fourth Referee

  • The fourth referee may be appointed according to the rules of competition and if three referees do not proceed to a position, he shall perform his duties in his place.
  • Before the competition, the event organizers clearly state that in case the referee cannot continue the game, the fourth referee or a senior assistant referee will pass and replace him.
  • The fourth referee shall assist the referee in all administrative duties before, during and after the match.
  • The fourth referee is responsible for assisting with a player substitution during a match.
  • The fourth referee shall check spare balls if necessary, if a ball is to be changed during a match, he shall provide a ball‘s replacement according to the referee's instructions in such a way that the time loss is minimal.
  • He is authorized to inspect substitute players‘ clothing and equipment before entering a game.

If clothing and equipment do not comply with the Game Rules, he reports the situation to the referee.

  • The fourth referee shall assist the referee in any situation. The fourth referee must inform the referee about giving warning to a wrong player due to incorrect determination, when the player has been given a second warning but has not been expelled or there have been violent actions outside the opinion of the referee or the assistant referee. The referee, however, is authorized to decide on all matters related to the game.
  • After the match, the fourth referee shall report to the authorized institutions of any bad behavior or other incidents that the referees and assistant referees have not seen. The fourth referee will inform the referee and assistant referees about the report he has prepared.
  • He is authorized to report to the referee about all the irresponsible behavior cases in the designatedzone of the technical area.

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