
A Successful Basketball Team Needs To The Best Conditional Camps

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How Becomes Basketball Player

The basketball player – the sportsman, one of five members of the basketball team, professional player, owning skills and rules of the basketball game, having license and contract with certain basketball club.


  • Must take part with team in preseason preparing, including of seasonal and program camps,
  • Must follow training programs, appointed by main coach, under control of training staff,
  • Must take part together with team in basketball games, tournaments and competitions scheduled according sport calendar
  • Must follow recommendations of coaches according game during game, before game, breaks
  • Must make seasonal trainings (11 months)
  • Must take part in competitions according his category (age)
  • Must take part in all meetings concerning the team (analysis of the opponent's game, statistical indicators),
  • Must show respect to the judges and rivals, observe sports behavior, follow the international rules of the game,
  • Must maintain warm and friendly relations with teammates, coaches, managers and technical staff,
  • In the case of an invitation to the national team’s training camps or to the national team games, it must take part,
  • Must protect their physical and mental health, to distance themselves from bad habits.

Required Accessories And Accessories

  • Sportswear, sports shoes, basketball socks,
  • Basketball ball, basketball hoop, cones, reaction belts, different balls, training barriers, training markers, basketball jumps, power expanders, dribbling trainer, throwing chain, bicycle, jump rope, reaction developing ball, throwing trainers, score board (a device for counting fouls, times, periods and breathing pause).

Basketball player:

Must have:

  • Excellent physical form
  • Perfect health,
  • Developed intuition,
  • Agile mind,

Must be:

  • Creative & diligent
  • Athletic body, long hands, legs, powerful muscles.

Environment And Training Conditions

Basketball players train in closed placements. Training halls must be clean, warm enough; flooring must be covered with special basketball parquet. Training venue is quite noisy. Basketball player must follow strong discipline and timetable. Player must be in closed contact with other players, coaches, executives and etc.

Professional Activity And Career

Nowadays basketball is one the most popular kind of sports. His popularity grows day by day. Together with growth of its popularity, grows amount of people who wants to play basketball professionally.

According latest data, for now number of officially registered basketball players is more 200 million people. International Basketball Federation has 173 members.

Professional basketball players are one of the highest paid athletes of the world. The moet expensive contracts’ amounts are several tens of millions of dollars.

Where Can Study Play Basketball

Basketball playing study is better to start at 10-12 years in special sport schools and clubs. Special courses, universities and private schools are also study basketball.

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Demands For Basketball Beginners

For starting play basketball in basketball clubs and unions must be not under 9 years old, have health certificate and apply there.

When recruiting for the basketball section, the following are taken into account:

  • Physical parameters (athlete height, weight, build, center of gravity, etc.).
  • Physical fitness: endurance of athlete, statistical and dynamic strength, speed and reaction, mobility and experience.
  • Ability to learn:
  • Athlete perception
  • Ability to observe and analyze.
  • Ability to perform:
  • Endurance athlete to loads
  • Desire to exercise,
  • Striving for victory.
  • Mental indicators:
  • Attention,
  • Understanding the principles of the game,
  • Creativity
  • Ability to take initiative
  • Tactical skills.
  • Social factors:
  • Leadership
  • Sense of responsibility,
  • Team spirit.
  • Psychological factors:
  • Healthy mind
  • Willingness to compete
  • Stress resistance,
  • Striving to overcome obstacles.

In order to achieve success in basketball, it is important to start on time and systematically work and train for a long period of time.

Training Time And Study Program

Basketball study starts in 10-12 years. Study divided on technical and tactical trainings.

Technical Trainings: all abilities connected with basketball such as ball follow, pass, shoot, rib out, defense, attack.

Tactical Trainings: Studying systems of game which will be used during matches, working-out of tactics and strategy against rival.

Training On Physical Training: It is included training of endurance, power, speed, coordination, development of motor skills and methods of protection from injuries.

Theoretical Training: It is included theoretical work on the field and out of it, informing the athlete about nutrition, regime, avoid injuries, doping problems, basketball rules, etc.

Career Growth

The first step for a basketball player is amateur basketball, then to a professional level. As he grows, he may also hold coaching and management positions, technical and management positions, a sports commentator and a journalist.

Payment And Salary

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During Training

During training, the possibility of salary is excluded, as training may be paid.

After Completion Of Training

As an amateur basketball player, you can earn 2-3 times of minimum wage. As a professional player, payment goes higher according to the contract.

Answers to the question: “How can I become a basketball player?”

  • Enter to the school basketball team. Many school coaches have connections and are in close contact with basketball clubs. So if you can show yourself at school, you will have a chance to get into the basketball club.
  • Follow the selections to the lower league of the basketball club in your city, take part in the selections. Such information is not difficult to obtain. Almost all clubs notify about the selection through the Internet.
  • Another approach is to register at basketball school of your region for a fee. Diligently go to all trainings and take private lessons from professional trainers. This will help you develop your skills and improve your fitness in an even shorter period.
  • For classes in basketball schools or clubs, it is enough to have health certificate confirming your ability to play basketball.
  • There are no specific age limits for amateur basketball, however, for professional basketball, age is important, from 9 to 15 years is the most suitable age.

What Qualities Should Have Basketball Player Beginner?

  • You need to have good physical condition and athletic skills. This is important in order to get noticed on the qualifying rounds in basketball club.
  • You need to be athletic and have good health. In basketball, long arms and legs are a great advantage.
  • You should choose a position based on your physical parameters, develop in this direction, and train to fully master this position.
  • After basketball training, you need to conduct individual training to improve physical fitness, develop and strengthen the muscles of the arms and legs.

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