
Artistic swimming camp in Antalya

Synchronized swimming camp in Antalya

Benefits of synchronized (artistic) swimming

A child from any age group can practice synchronized swimming, but the ideal age is 8-9 years. Swimming, ballet or gymnastics, and the ability to play a musical instrument are important benefits. The ability to swim well enhances dominance in the water, ballet and gymnastics are important in the matter of flexibility, and mastery of playing a musical instrument helps to hear music correctly and reproduce figures at the correct rhythm. Children without this ability can also be highly successful in synchronized swimming after receiving the necessary training.

Children from different age groups engage in water training five times a week to be successful in this challenging sport. As the level of the athlete rises, ballet lessons are also added. For strengthening muscles, training flexibility, and breathing on land, training is carried out for an hour, and from 1 to 3 hours of various exercises in the water, depending on the level of the group.Artistic swimming camp in Antalya
Synchronized Swimming (Water Ballet) has many benefits for children. Helps reduce anxiety in children, build self-confidence and develop presentation skills. A tendency towards teamwork will provide insight into the strength of individual abilities. The ability to express oneself without any difficulties, understanding victory and defeat helps to act in a team spirit.

In competitions, sports are divided by age categories into combined, duet (two people) and solo (one person). Choreography, compulsory technical and artistic movements, and music selection are just as important as the harmony of the athletes on the water. The athlete should make the choice of music together with the coach.
In competitions, athletes mainly participate in competitions in figure execution technique and ballet (only for adults). There are 130 different shapes in total, and these shapes differ depending on age groups as mandatory and optional.

The selection of compulsory and free figures is determined in advance by international committees for all age categories every four years by lot. Two compulsory pieces during the competition and two elective pieces, drawn 48 hours before the competition, are executed by the athletes and scored by the judges.
The second stage of the competition is choreography with musical accompaniment. Half of the scores for performance and choreography are taken and added up to give an overall score.

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