All For Camps In Antalya #11
Rugby training camps in Antalya Turkey hotels
What is Rugby? How to play Rugby? ?
Rugby is a team game which is played on a large field 114 meters long. Rugby first has been played in England and after has become popular in countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Wales, Ireland, South Africa, Fiji and Scotland.The principle of the game is the ability to manipulate the ball with both hands and feet. In this article, you will find interesting information regarding the rugby game,
Children Training Camps in Antalya Beach Hotels
The coaches of sports faculties of Birol Vural Haldettepe University and Technologies high school like to make the competitions and would like their trained children also like to participate in tournaments and competitions. Participating in the competitions is as important for sportsman development as the training But the competitions for sportsmen must be selected correctly.
How to become a good football player to improve the technique
How to become a good football player, how to improve the technique with ball
If you are reading this article, then you do not have a coach. Because if you had a coach, he would has told you all about this. And if so, then start
Below is a list of exercises that will help you develop the technique with the ball During football training, do the right and left leg exercises at the same time.
Importance of the woman’s basketball in Turkey
Importance of the woman’s basketball in Turkey
Women's basketball in Turkey has started its development in the late of 1950s firstly at high schools for girls in Istanbul and Ankara and later in the higher educational institutions. These activities were also organized within the school - based clubs, and local after the national championships started to be organized among the women's teams established by these clubs. The first meeting was organized in 1959 at the Turkish women's Championship,
The importance of preparatory matches in football camps in Antalya
The importance of Preparatory Matches during the training Camp
Preparatory matches are different from regular matches and are called competition-free and no-reward matches.Preparatory matches are held to prepare teams and players for the new season,as well as to dispel them or to collect the help.
How to play futsal (saloon football)
How To Play Futsal?
*In international measurements, the area of futsal is as follows: the length of the field is not less than 38, maximum 42, and the width is not less than 18, maximum 25 meters. The penalty is 6 meters from the gate and thesecond penalty is 10 meters away. The gate is 3 meters wide and 2 meters high.
*The circle of the ball for futsal is no more than 64, not less than 62 centimeters, and its weight is no more than 440, not less than